Facebook’s recent removal of Partner Categories – what does this mean?

Facebook recently sent out an email to businesses and advertisers, warning that they may need to change campaigns which have Partner Categories installed inside of them. Here is the email:

What was Partner Category Targeting?

Partner Categories are targeting groups that Facebook previously made available based prior partnerships with third-party providers. This type of data sharing is common amongst digital advertisers, but since Facebook had been hit by the data-breach scandal as a result of the Cambridge Analytica scandal, Facebook has been forced to remove these targeting options.

What happens now to Partner Category targeting?

The thing with Partner Category targeting is, it’s gone. Does this mean it’s gone forever? I don’t think so. I think that in the future we will see it either re-introduced slowly or re-introduced as a re-mixed version of what Partner Category’s were before.

It is also possible to link up with previous providers of data to Facebook, and have them share First-Party Pixels, since First-Party Pixels were recently introduced by Facebook. If you are not sure what First-Party Pixels are, check out the article where we discuss this at length here: attentionexperts.com/what-does-the-facebook-first-party-cookie-for-pixel-mean/

What can I do instead?

Well you need to be able to collect data more instinctively and re-tune your campaigns constantly every few months. If you are a Facebook marketer not re-mapping your campaigns every few months, then you will be caught behind the wave of change on Facebook. To collect more instinctive data, become more orientated to pixel data, audience databases, and partner databases which you can acquire.

If you’ve read to this point, you’re likely very interested in the above and should give us a call for a strategy session. Our number is (02) 8069 9796 (02) 8069 9796 if outside Australia), or message us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/attentionexperts. You can also book a meeting with us via our website at www.attentionexperts.com – I would be very happy to run through some of the above strategies with you in more detail.