How Small Business Leaders Can Improve Their Employer Brand Through Social Media

Social media for business is often thought of as a marketing channel for attracting and retaining business. However, the capabilities and value social media adds to an organisation today extends well into any external communications arm of the business. Employer brand value, communication and talent attraction is a key area where social media has played a vital role for businesses across many industries. 

Today your online brand presence plays a key role in attracting industry talent. An employer with a strong social media presence versus an employer with no real presence could well be the difference in the quality of  candidates you enquire into your business.

How does social media contribute to increasing employer brand value?

Social media employer value is more than a glitzy page showcasing team events. My experience through our own talent recruitment, has been that yes, culture out on display on social media is one part of talent feeling comfortable with you as an employer, but also it’s your performance as a business and the showcasing of growth and opportunity that are also standouts.

The following channels are key social media marketing platforms businesses need to consider in an employer brand communications strategy: 

  • social media platforms (such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram), 
  • review sites (Facebook can be included here also and also employer review sites such as, 
  • blogs and forums, and 
  • video content platforms (such as YouTube).  

Keeping the communication channels in mind, the following are fundamental elements you need to incorporate in your employer brand value strategy:

1. Staying relevant and being thought leaders with up to date and consistent content 

  1. Showcase third party endorsement via reviews and highly rated community recommendations  
  2. Professionally manage and maintain your community management 
  3. Share company milestones and internal personal and team training and  development initiatives e.g. team strategy sessions, workshops, speaking opportunities etc. such as training days and workshops)
  4. Present your company culture and personal growth opportunities that have existed in your company

By way of example, Attention Experts worked with a water cooler small business, Call a Cooler. As engaging in a social media strategy built on the 5 elements discussed helped improve the company’s hiring process and established a summer sales team specifically tasked to sell products door to door. Third party endorsement and online reviews played a key role in attracting talent, building a reputable online brand presence showcased the company’s culture and also its mission around supporting the environment which aligned with a lot of the talent it was trying to attract. Content generated was aligned with the company’s core values, mission and purpose and highlighted the communication management of stakeholders.

In summary, a successful employer brand value through social media is achieved through consistency, understanding the value you have to offer as an employer and most importantly showing these strong points of your brand as an employer in the most genuine way possible.  Be authentic and deliver value, this value will return to you with great talent finding you via social media through eventually what is a great employer brand.

How We Can Help You Improve Your Brand 

If you’ve read to this point, you’re likely very interested in growing your business through Social Media Marketing. If so, you should join our next FREE webinar to learn more about Social Media Marketing & ROI.

Our Growth Director, George Hawwa, present a 30-minutes webinar to cover a new topic in the social media space. You will have the opportunity to learn, ask questions live and grow your business.

Wondering what our current topic is? Check out the upcoming webinar HERE.

George is in charge of Attention Experts’ overall growth and best practices. George shares some accolades: being named in the ‘Top 30 leaders under 30’ in 2007 by Entrepreneur Australia Magazine and having won ‘Outstanding Young Entrepreneur of the Year’ for 2018 at the NSW Business Chamber Regional awards.

He also currently lectures at Sydney University on social media strategy to Postgraduate students at the Centre for Continuing Education. In addition, George is a sought after speaker and educator on social media strategy and business.

Make sure to REGISTER NOW!

And if you need help with your social media strategy. You can also give us a call for a FREE Strategy Session. Our number is 1300 809 935 or message or message us on Facebook at You can also book a meeting with us via our website.