Increase conversions with this simple bit of knowledge…

The ultimate success of a campaign comes down to this:

How well can it convert?

I know it, you know it, we all know it.

There is no point in doing a marketing campaign if there is no conversion.


Well, it comes down to a simple word. It is this:


Engagement is what creates the conversion in a marketing campaign.

If I ran a billboard ad on a road, and no one ever read it. Will that billboard convert? Hell no!

If I had an ad running on social media and no one ever clicked on it, would that ad give me conversions? A big fat N O.

But that’s not all there is to it. If all it took was engagement, then we would all find converting pretty easy, and run very successful marketing campaigns.

People often forget that, a person doesn’t convert on their first engagement of a business, brand or product/service.

I have walked into stores countless times, just to ‘look around’ without buying anything. It’s not because I’m tight with my money, it’s because I haven’t built enough interest in that business or its products to want them right now. Or quite simply I just don’t want it right now and am looking for when I do need it.

Same goes for running any marketing campaign. Audiences just don’t convert immediately.

These points of engagement with a brand, we can call ‘touch-points’. It takes a number of ‘touchpoints” to convert an average person. In fact, we have calculated on social media, it can take 20-25 touchpoints.

The real reason why you are not converting if you doing everything right on a campaign, is because the audience is just simply not warm enough.

This is why the biggest brands in the world buy space at sporting events, on the sides of buses and on taxis. You’re not going to buy a Samsung TV when you are in your car driving to work in peak-hour traffic, and you’ve just seen the latest Samsung TV ad on a Taxi’s backside. However, you will after a number of times of being presented with the brand Samsung and knowing they do TVs, be more interested in buying a Samsung TV when you walk in-store.

Same goes for social media. A campaign is not converting, because you need to show you message and continue to receive engagement from the same audience over and over. What you will eventually find is, you have built a really great marketing channel that will present you with a steady stream of leads on a campaign.

Social media has more than enough of your target audience, you just need to access them over and over again with consistently the same valuable message, that they will find engaging.

The benefit of social media, is now you have a platform and marketing channel where you can compete against big business, with a simple marketing budget. It’s about putting your dollars to spend with efficiency and strategy that will get you ahead.

There is so much more to this subject, especially around how do you collect audiences and then have them continually re-engage with you. But the main point right now, is understanding the knowledge. When you understand this, the technical side with develop.

If you’ve read to this point, you’re likely very interested in the above and should give us a call for a strategy session. Our number is (02) 8069 9796 (02) 8069 9796 if outside Australia), or message us on Facebook You can also book a meeting with us via our website – I would be very happy to run through some of the above strategies with you in more detail.