Social Media Marketers: Why are some business owners sceptical of us?

The industry of social media marketing has existed for less than 8 years. In a more professional sense, social media marketers were probably taken seriously as a profession in the last 2 years.

I’ve noticed it seems to be a bit of a sore topic for a lot of businesses, who are approached by social media agencies and freelancers, offering all sorts of hopes and promises. Some of our best referrals at Attention Experts are clients who have been burnt by other social media marketing agencies, because we generally offer value and a different point of view to social media.

What I have observed is that there is a problem that is a two-fold. The issue of the business owner and the issue of the social media agency. The agency, often to win business, will promise unrealistic returns on the businesses investment. The business owner or decision maker, will often want something that more is aligned with a gamble than an investment.

The thing about social media marketers or any form of marketing profession, is that the work produced by someone in this position is an investment into building an actual marketing channel. Just like building a house, you must invest in the overall build of the marketing channel you are in. If others have had success in this channel before, it is more likely you will also – however it doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time, patience, trial and error and yes, money.

At the end of the period of investment you would have wanted to have built an asset through a marketing channel. A marketing channel that is fruitful and can produce a consistent stream of enquiries or quality engagement for your business. A marketing channel that has produced databases and an audience.

I recently had an in-house training day with a marketing team of a famous Sydney based market. They have been advertising on the radio for over 30 years. They have been on social media for less than 12 months. They could not understand why social media wasn’t bringing the same stream of audiences through as the radio has. I thought this could have been obvious to the business. But apparently not, and for a lot of business owners it has become apparent to me that it is not that obvious. The thing that is not obvious, is the equity being built through a marketing channel. Social media like any other marketing channel, should be viewed as a channel to build equity and value – which will as a bi-product lead to sales, enquiries and leads.

What this particular market has produced over radio advertising is a built marketing channel, which has produced millions of dollars of goodwill over 30 years and equity for their brand. The sheer mention of this name is instantly recognised by people from Sydney.


Social media marketing is an investment, not a quick gamble. It is largely about investment into a marketing channel. There is no such thing as ‘fast leads’ as ‘instant results’ as ‘overnight success’. If this were the case than everyone would be doing it.

The reason business owners have become ‘scared’ or ‘sceptical’ of social media marketers is because of a lack of understanding by the marketer and the business owner of the above viewpoint.

If you’ve read to this point, you’re likely very interested in the above and should give us a call for a strategy session. Our number is (02) 8069 9796 (02) 8069 9796 if outside Australia), or message us on Facebook at You can also book a meeting with us via our website at – I would be very happy to run through some of the above strategies with you in more detail