Three major factors in determining maturity times in a social media marketing campaign

Depending on who you ask, a social media marketing campaign and its maturity time ranges. What we often see is a question around not knowing maturity time at all, and more knowing what target they want to hit and what would be ideal for the marketers own business goals.

There are three terminals to understand in the race to consistent results in a social media marketing campaign:

1. The target audience

2. The algorithm of the platform(s) that are being used.

3. The marketer

The target Audience:

Taking into account the target audience and their strength of consideration for a brand or service is a major factor in understanding maturity times. An audience that is niche specific, would have a lot less touch points needed for maturity than an audience that has mass market products / services marketed to them.

Warming up an audience and how long that would take, would need to be a major consideration in understanding maturity times.

Working with the target audience, a campaign is able to then understand what is its behaviour and sensitivity to campaigns such as the one the campaign is running.


Working with the algorithms of the social media platforms creates a need to understand maturity times. Algorithms, especially of platforms such as Facebook or LinkedIn, have algorithms that contend with overall nuances of their own platform’s goals and the goals of its users. So whenever considering maturity time you must consider platform algorithms and their mechanics.

The algorithm if it doesn’t support your campaign, will look to slow down your distribution and the quality of audiences you are being seen by.

Working with algorithms, a campaign is able to gain a reality on the mechanics of a social media platform and then pull the right levers to have that campaign propel forward with support by the algorithm.

The Marketer:

The marketer’s own skillset, their understanding of the above two points, their propensity for patience and consistency, all are factors which will determine the time taken to create maturity in a campaign.

The marketer having a deeper knowledge base, will allow them to take more responsibility and a lot more control over the direction and speed of a campaign.


Understanding these three factors allows a social media marketing campaign to be planned and approached with the understanding of consideration for timeline to ROI and its maturity.

Considering the target audience’s ability to become warm with the product or service being marketed, the algorithms likelihood of propelling such a campaign and the skillset of the marketer creating the campaign, are all the major contributing factors in understanding the timeline for when a campaign will mature.


How We Can Help You with the Maturity Timelines of Your Social Media Campaign

If you’ve read to this point, you’re likely very interested in growing your business through Social Media Marketing. If so, you should join our next FREE webinar to learn more about Social Media Marketing & ROI.

Each Month, our Growth Director, George Hawwa, present a 30-minutes webinar to cover a new topic in the social media space. You will have the opportunity to learn, ask questions live and grow your business.

Wondering what our current topic is? Check out the upcoming webinar HERE.

George is in charge of Attention Experts’ overall growth and best practices. George shares some accolades: being named in the ‘Top 30 leaders under 30’ in 2007 by Entrepreneur Australia Magazine and having won ‘Outstanding Young Entrepreneur of the Year’ for 2018 at the NSW Business Chamber Regional awards.

He also currently lectures at Sydney University on social media strategy to Postgraduate students at the Centre for Continuing Education. In addition, George is a sought after speaker and educator on social media strategy and business.

Make sure to REGISTER NOW!

And if you need help with your social media strategy. You can also give us a call for a FREE Strategy Session. Our number is 1300 809 935 or message or message us on Facebook at You can also book a meeting with us via our website.